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Rivet|MRO Earns Affiliated Distributors’ First-Ever Service Provider Award

Rivet MRO Earns Affiliated Distributors First-Ever Service Provider Award img

CHICAGO—Affiliated Distributors (AD) has awarded Rivet|MRO with AD’s first-ever Service Provider Excellence Award at its annual meeting.

While AD has recognized member distributors and their suppliers (manufacturers) with awards for decades, the buying group had never recognized a service provider with recognition at its annual meeting until this year.

“Congratulations to Rivet | MRO, on winning our inaugural AD Service Provider Excellence Award at the AD Industrial and Safety Division North American Meeting this week in Chicago! Congrats also goes out to our 2 runners-up, Profit2 and Propelr,” said Kevin Druecker, VP of AD Member Programs. “This award recognizes AD Service Providers who go above and beyond, demonstrating thought-leadership in their field and a strong commitment to the AD Community, while complying with program expectations and having strong member utilization.”

Druecker said that the award winner was determined by objective scoring on a matrix that included member feedback, AD engagement and thought leadership, among other criteria. Rivet scored 4.9 out of 5 on its Service Provider Scorecard to secure the win. AD currently has more than 40 approved service providers.

“We want to extend a profound ‘thank you!” to the entire AD community for this honor–and for all your support and encouragement over the years. We were simultaneously thrilled and humbled by this!” said Tim Rasmussen, founder of Rivet|MRO.

AD is the largest buying group for independent North American distributors in the broader industrial, electrical and building products sector. With more than 1,000 member distributors, AD expects to exceed $100 billion in combined member revenue in 2025.

Rivet|MRO is an integrated marketing agency that specializes in helping independent industrial, electrical and construction products distributors grow. The agency offers both strategic and tactical services and has earned recognition as the experts in helping distributors leverage their co-op marketing funds more effectively.

For more information, visit www.adhq.com and www.rivetMRO.com

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