Making use of opportunities for free publicity is an underutilized marketing tool that can really help grow your business. Public relations or promotion is one of the five P’s of marketing after all, along with product, price, people, and place. Let’s break down how public relations can help your business, and also go over some efficient PR tactics to create more awareness opportunities for your distributorship’s brand.
A common misconception about PR is that it’s only applicable in crisis management situations. In reality public relations is useful in reaching your audience in several ways. Consistent public relations efforts increase your brands awareness to potential customers and increases your overall visibility. Additionally, public relations educates your audience about what your company does, and can also help generate interest from potential job candidates, streamlining your recruiting efforts. Last but not least, public relations build a more credible reputation for your company. Now that we’ve outlined all the ways PR can help your business, let’s get you started with some simple tactics that aim to help you win more business.
The first tactic is probably the one that comes to mind for most people when they think of public relations. Press releases are a valuable multipurpose tool to help you reach your audience. For those unfamiliar with the structure and intent of a press release, click this link to find out more. Press releases are a great way to announce a new product or service. Not only do press releases inform your customers, they also often attract free publicity in the form of media attention. Follow this link for a list of the top 25 press release sites in 2021.
Sharing timely news about your business on your social media pages is also important. This keeps your audience in the loop about any exciting new developments and is also a great way to reach new customers. Having a consistent social media presence is an important aspect of remaining relevant and building your customer base.
Reaching out to news media sources about any newsworthy events your business may be involved in is another key use of press releases. Whether you want to spread awareness about an open house, a training event, employee news/accomplishments or even the opening of a new location, letting news sources know can be an easy way to attract free publicity.
Another way to reach your audience is by publishing case studies of your success stories. Writing a case study about how your products or services have made your customers lives better is a great way to attract new customers. More than 70% of B2B buyers rely on case studies to make purchasing decisions. For examples of how to implement this tactic for your business, check out our co-optimizer project spotlight page where we use this PR tactic ourselves to show off some of our past work.
Hosting a trade show or webinar is also a great way to improve your brand’s credibility. Speaking in public or online is a great way to enhance your reputation and build more trust between your business and your customers. Customers are always more likely to buy from a person or company they trust. Many trade shows have come to a halt in recent times, however creating a webinar is as easy as sending out an email to your customers inviting them to your event., Zoom, or GoToMeeting are some great free platforms for hosting a webinar.
Blogging is another great cheap way to build up rapport with your audience. They can be used to inform your audience about relevant topics in your industry, and you can also explain the value of some of your services in a non invasive way through a blog. In addition, including links to outside sources, other pages on your website, and your social media sites within your blog posts help to build up links and add to your sites credibility. Look no further than our very own Industretail blog for more examples.
Hopefully these tactics provide a good baseline to get your PR program going. When it comes to building trust and awareness with your audience, there are few marketing techniques as cost efficient and effective as a properly implemented public relations campaign. For any industrial marketing advice, whether it be PR-related or not, contact one of our marketing experts here.
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