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5 Steps to Building a Strong Integrated Marketing Campaign for Your Industrial Distributorship

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In integrated marketing, you use your business’ communications and promotional tools to work toward a common goal. When you’re on an integrated marketing campaign, you want to approach it in a way that makes your message clear.

Unfortunately, this is better said than done. It can take a lot of time and effort to perfect your integrated marketing campaign.

Unfortunately, this is better said than done. It can take a lot of time and effort to perfect your integrated marketing campaign.

Luckily, you can make building your integrated marketing campaign that much easier with these five things:

Sensory appeal: The overall goal of your marketing campaign is to appeal to the needs of your audience. But it’s also recommended that you appeal to your audience’s sensory needs. Think of a way to grab your audience’s attention, hold their attention, and make them think.</li>

Internal marketing: It isn’t enough to appeal to your audience. You also need to appeal to your employees. It’s good for your employees to feel engaged with the branding and marketing campaign before the campaign launches. When your team feels included in the process, it makes the campaign not only easier to launch but also easier to communicate the campaign to your audience.

Research: There’s a reason why businesses study their competition and target audiences. This is because the more research you have under your belt, the more you’ll be able to focus on your business’ strengths and how they work with your target audience’s buying behavior.</li>

Synchronization: Your campaign needs to do more than grab your target audience’s attention. It also needs to guide your target audience through your sales process. It’s recommended that your sales messaging has a similar look so your target audience is able to recognize your business and remember it.

Measurement: You need to have a measurable conversion metric for your integrated marketing campaigns. Without a measurable conversion metric, you won’t be able to measure the success of your campaign. For instance, up to 97% of marketers say that video has helped their users understand their service or product. Your metrics are what influence future campaigns.

An industrial marketing agency can help you reach your business’ full potential. Whether you’re looking for more opportunities for your co-op marketing funds or you’re having trouble with a sales strategy for distributors, Rivet|MRO can help. To learn more about our industrial marketing services and how we can better utilize your co-op marketing funds, contact Rivet|MRO today.

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