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3 Marketing Mistakes That Cost E-Commerce Distributors Money

Marketing mistakes that cost e-commerce distributors money

Here’s an interesting article from Marketing Profs that shows independent distributors how to avoid costly eCommerce mistakes. An excerpt:

These days, e-commerce businesses have more marketing options at their fingertips than ever before. And as marketing tips, tricks, and hacks continue to exponentially increase, it can be easy for an online retailer to get swept up in crazes without carefully examining how well-suited they are to the business and the kind of value they can deliver.

However, there are three marketing trends that are truly not worth missing out on for just about any e-commerce business. Ignoring artificial intelligence (AI)-led marketing, neglecting an original social media content strategy, and overlooking the link between marketing and increased chargebacks, many e-commerce companies are losing out on some seriously lucrative revenue streams.

Click here for the full article.

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