Co-op Optimizer of Rivet MRO

Risk Free Co-op Marketing

Exclusively For Independent, Safety, Industrial, Electrical, HVAC, Power Transmission, Plumbing, & Building Products Distributors

We do all the work. You grow your business.

Exclusively For Independent Distributors!

We’ll manage the entire process, from the proposal stage through the co-op claim. From targeted marketing campaigns to sales promotions and videos, we have all the marketing tools you need to secure your place in the market. We do the work, you grow your business—and get someone else to pay for it!

In other words…make more and spend nothing.

Contact us today or click on the button below to arrange your no-cost Co|optimizer review! Or, if you prefer, use the button above to schedule a telephone conversation with Rivet|MRO’s principal, Tim Rasmussen.

Welder technician

Brands that have benefited from Co|Optimizer Programs

Co-Op Marketing infographics