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4 Reasons Why The Manufacturing Industry Should Use Video Marketing

Manufacturing Industry to use video marketing

Any audience appreciated quality content. Blogs, ebooks, or infographics, can all help inform but also establish your company’s knowledge of the industry. While it’s likely that your site provides ample written content, many don’t provide video content. A Thomas Insights article gives 4 reasons why you should be using video.

The first, and arguably most important, the reason is that B2B buyers are watching videos. It’s vital to deliver messages in the format that your audience is viewing. Because of this, companies across all industries are providing video content. According to HubSpot, 500 million hours are watched on YouTube every day. Some other stats they found were that 95% of a message is retained from watching a video while only 10% is when reading text. In addition, it’s the format of preference when learning about a product or service. 68% of people prefer to learn through video. Here at Rivet|MRO, we offer a variety of marketing tools, including video. Click the link below to see the full article.


To learn more about our video marketing services, contact Rivet|MRO today.

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