Everyone knows these are unprecedented times, so we will spare you another economic analysis. (But we will share this fun infographic to help you come up with alternatives to “unprecedented” next time you find yourself having to use the phrase again!) Rather than blather on about how 12 Monkeys-like (fun synonym, courtesy of the infographic) these times are, we’d rather give you some help figuring out how to best communicate with your customers during them–regardless of how you describe them.
As a leader in your industrial or electrical distributorship, you’re in a position to help your customers in ways no other suppliers can. And you’re also in a position to better frame how your distributorship is perceived–and to position yourself for greater returns, once these Nintendo-hard circumstances return to something closer to normal. (See what we did there?)
You might not be the distributor that moves the most volume, but you can lead the way by offering customized and responsive services tailored exclusively for your customers. As an independent distributor, you have a better opportunity to create a relationship with your manufacturing clients if you lead the league in service and communication. Now is the perfect time to build trust and create a relationship that will guarantee your business with them in the future.
This isn’t just a hot mess for your customers, it’s bananas for your company too. You’ve probably learned a lesson or two in the past few months that you can pass on to your customers. How have you adapted formerly in-person operations into a digital format, and how can your manufacturers do the same?
Speaking of digital operations, do you have online tools that your customers can take advantage of in these bizarro circumstances? Online tools and communications are important now more than ever.
Maybe you offer digital tools and online consultations, but your customers aren’t taking advantage of them. That’s where we may be able to help you. Rivet|MRO offers a multitude of MRO marketing services intended to help you reach your customers in the most effective way possible. For example, an email campaign is the best way to showcase a new digital asset that you’re releasing. And consistent social media posts intended to inform your client on what’s happening in this mad world and the manufacturing sector will help you build trust.
We’ve learned a thing or two about social media in these jacked up times, so let us take care of your posts for you with our Distributor Social service. We’ve also recapped the lessons other distributors have learned by listening and summarizing MDM live webinars. You can find those notes here.
Last but not least, let us help you maximize your co-op dollars. Manufacturers set aside money for you to market their products, and you might not be taking full advantage of it. Go to https://rivetmro.com/coop-maximizer and try the co-optimizer slider to see how much money you could be missing out on!
It would be whack if you let them go to waste!
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