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Kristen Foth Joins Rivet|MRO As Director Of Marketing Services

Kristen Foth, Director Of Marketing Services of Rivet MRO

LAKE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI— Rivet|MRO is pleased to announce that Kristen Foth has joined the firm as its Director of Marketing Services.

Kristen Foth, Director of Marketing Services

“We’re thrilled to have Kristen on the team,” said Rivet|MRO principal, Tim Rasmussen. “Kris brings more than 20 years of industrial marketing experience to the table and has a keen understanding of the importance of co-op marketing–and how distributors can use it to fuel growth.”

Foth most-recently served as Marketing Communications Manager for ITW Pro Brands promoting prominent industrial brands like LPS®, SCRUBS®, and DYKEM®, while also managing the supplier’s co-op program. She has worked with a wide variety of industrial distributors, ranging from MRO to metalworking and from safety and electrical.

Foth’s primary focuses will be working with distributor clients to develop effective co-op strategies and targeted marketing campaigns, and leading the agency’s creative development efforts.

“This couldn’t be a more natural fit,” said Rasmussen. “Kris is not only a talented marketer, but she has extensive co-op experience from the supplier side. In fact, she’s been involved with more than a dozen projects that we’ve delivered for clients with ITW Pro Brands co-op funds. She’s seen how the process works—and how it drives results.

“Now all of our clients get to benefit from Kris’ expertise.”

Rivet|MRO is a marketing resource organization that works exclusively with independent industrial, safety, electrical, and construction distributors. The agency provides strategic marketing advice and guidance–along with the executional creative resources distributors need to drive meaningful results. For more information, visit rivetMRO.com. 

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